Meth Chemistry
“What’s Cookin’?”
Methamphetamine History
Amphetamine synthesized 1887 by German chemist,
L. Edeleano
Methamphetamine was first produced by
Dr. Nagayoshi Nagiai of Tokyo Imperial University in
1888 by reducing ephedrine with HI & Red Phosphorus
Methamphetamine synthesized from methylamine
and phenyl-2-propoanone 1919 by Japanese researcher, A. Ogata
Early 1900s: Western civilization discovers benefits of ephedrine and
pseuodephedrine as brochodilators and nasal decongestants. Fear
that ma huang plants will run out (source for the herb ephedra).
1927 (USA): Researcher Gordon Alles discovers that amphetamine
works as a substitute for ephedrine. Amphetamine starts being
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synthesized as substitute for ma huang.
1930: Amphetamine discovered to increase blood pressure.
Marketed in 1932 as “benzedrine” in an over-the-counter inhaler to
treat nasal congestion
1935: Amphetamine’s stimulant effect first recognized and used to
treat narcolepsy (compulsion to sleep)